Mental Health
Services for Adults

Mental Health
Services for Adults

Adult Behavioral Issues

Our highly experienced proffessional staff provides treatment services for adults with a wide range of psychological, behavioral, and social problems. Here are some of the problems we treat:

• Anxiety and Stress
• Depression
• Parenting Issues
• Family Conflict
• Marital and Couples Problems
• Divorce and Separation Issues
• Social Dating and Relationship Difficulties
• Anger and Emotional Regulation Issues
• Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

• Obsessive-Compulsive-Disorder (OCD)
• Low Self-Esteem
• Sleep and Insomnia Problems
• Grief and Loss
• Problems of Older Adults
• Workplace Problems
• Intellectual and Learning Disabilities
• Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
• High Functioning Autism
• Other Behavioral Problems

Adult Therapy Services

Here are some of the behavioral health counseling and psychological services we provide for adults:

Click each tab for descriptions

Behavior Therapy is a type of psychotherapy that focuses on changing problematic or maladaptive patterns of behavior. This approach is based on the idea that most behavioral problems are learned and can be unlearned and replaced by more adaptive patterns of behavior that enable people to get what they want out of life. Behavior Therapy has been found to be helpful in the treatment of anxiety, depression, anger and stress, phobias, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). It can also be effective in addressing children’s behavioral issues, such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD).

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is based on the idea that the way a person thinks and feels affects the way they behave. The goal of treatment is to help you identify and change maladaptive thought patterns so you can cope more effectively with difficult situations. CBT has been found to helpful in the treatment of anxiety, depression, stress and anger issues, panic attacks, marital problems, and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).

Marriage and Couples Counseling helps couples learn the skills they need to understand each other and resolve conflicts. Issues that are addressed include learning how to communicate in a relationship, resolving financial disputes, working on trust issues, dealing with infidelity, resolving conflicts, addressing disagreements about parenting styles, and improving sexual intimacy. Methods of treatment include cognitive behavioral therapy, insight-oriented psychotherapy, and interpersonal skills training.

Family Therapy is a type of psychotherapy that focuses on improving relationships among family members. Some of the issues that Family Therapy can help with include conflicts between family members, financial problems or disagreements about money, infidelity, separation or divorce, difficulties between siblings, children’s behavioral problems, caring for a family member with special needs, and a family member’s illness or death in the family.

Parent Training is a type of behavior therapy that teaches parents and other caregivers specific techniques for managing their children’s problem behavior. It is especially useful in dealing with tantrums, oppositional and aggressive behavior, school avoidance, and in the treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Parents learn how to improve their child’s social and interpersonal skills and increase their self-esteem, leading to success at school, at home, and in important relationships.

Stress and Anger Management Training teaches very specific skills to cope more effectively with difficult life situations. The training includes learning how to improve communication, the development of problem-solving strategies, relaxation techniques, methods for controlling negative and hostile thoughts, and self-care practices that lead to a strong sense of emotional self-control.

Supportive Psychotherapy focuses on providing emotional support during difficult life circumstances. The therapist will encourage you to talk about your feelings, concerns, and problems in a safe, nonjudgmental environment. Supportive Psychotherapy helps you deal with present issues, such as relationship problems, family conflicts, or work-related stress. It is useful in the treatment of anxiety, depression, grief and loss, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and many other issues.

Insight-oriented psychotherapy can help you understand how past experiences affect your current behavior. Having this insight may enable you to change your behavior in ways that are psychologically beneficial. This approach has been used in the treatment of anxiety, depression, and relationship problems.

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is a scientific approach to understanding why people behave the way they do. ABA teaches children and adults how to reduce or eliminate maladaptive patterns of behavior and learn social and interpersonal skills that are necessary for success in life. ABA is used in the treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), developmental delays, and learning disabilities. In addition, ABA may be of benefit to people with depression, anxiety, fears and phobias, anger management problems, and many other behavioral issues.

Social and Interpersonal Skills Training is a form of behavior therapy that uses specific techniques to teach children and adults skills that are necessary for success in life. Skills that are taught include conversational skills, and non-verbal communication through facial expressions, eye contact and body language. Additional skills include active listening, behavioral self-control, and the development of empathy. Social and Interpersonal Skills Training is used in the treatment of social anxiety, marital and relationship problems, anger and stress issues, and in resolving problems in the workplace. This approach also has been shown to be helpful in children with developmental disorders such as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), and those dealing with bullying.

Life skills are behaviors that enable people to cope effectively with the demands and challenges of life. A highly trained life skills coach uses specific techniques of learning and training to teach children and adults how to determine and achieve personal goals. Issues include social and interpersonal skills, decision-making and problem-solving, coping with difficult emotions and stress, creative thinking, self-awareness and empathy, and skills necessary for success in the workplace .

Behavioral Self-Management Training uses specific methods of instruction and practice to increase independence and teach new skills and behaviors that are necessary for success in life. In schools, behavioral self-management enables children to control their own academic and social behavior, enabling teachers to devote more time to teaching. In children and adults, this training is used to reduce anxiety, manage anger, improve social and interpersonal interactions, and develop more effective organizational and time management skills.

Relaxation Training is a type of behavior therapy that helps people reach a state of calmness. It can reduce anxiety and stress, lower blood pressure, and control pain. Examples of relaxation techniques include learning how to relax muscles throughout the body, focusing the mind on positive images, meditation, and deep breathing exercises.

Systematic Desensitization is a therapy for anxiety and fears in which a child or adult is very gradually exposed to an anxiety-producing situation while being taught relaxation techniques. It has been used in the treatment of public speaking anxiety, fear of going to the dentist, avoidance of air travel, and fears of heights, animals, and being in public places.

Assertiveness Training is a type of behavior therapy that teaches people how to behave more self-confidently. It can be an effective treatment for social anxiety, depression, and problems that result from unexpressed anger. Assertiveness Training may also be helpful to people who want to improve their interpersonal skills and sense of self-respect.

Habit Reversal Training (HRT) is a type of behavior therapy that teaches people how to get rid of unwanted repetitive habits or behaviors. HRT is used in the treatment of anxiety, tics, hair pulling, nail biting and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) teaches specific skills to cope effectively with anxiety and problems of daily living. ACT helps people identify life goals and remove emotional and behavioral roadblocks that prevent them from reaching their goals. ACT helps people commit to making necessary changes in their behavior, regardless of what is going on in their lives and how they feel about it. In addition to reducing anxiety, ACT may be effective in the treatment of depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, grief and loss, panic attacks, and workplace stress.

Mindfulness Training is a mental health training and meditation approach that enables people to relax and let go of negative thoughts and feelings. Attention is focused on thoughts, emotions and sensations occurring at the current moment in an accepting and non-judgmental manner. The meditation aspect of Mindfulness Training may be helpful to people who suffer from anxiety, depression, grief, panic attacks, high blood pressure, and sleep problems.

Some of the approaches used in helping children and adults cope with grief and loss include Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), and Supportive Psychotherapy.

Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) and Supportive Psychotherapy may be helpful in the treatment of older adults with anxiety, depression, and other issues. Family members of older adults may also benefit from these therapy approaches.

Workplace Problems Consulting teaches people skills to manage challenging issues in their work environment. You can learn to deal more effectively with employees who irritate you and improve your relationship with managers. This approach may also help you in the proper performance of job tasks. Methods of therapy include Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT), Interpersonal Skills Training, Assertiveness Training, Stress and Anger Management Training, and supportive psychotherapy.

Psychological Testing and Evaluation consists of a series of tests that help determine the causes of behavioral health problems and learning difficulties. The results allow the therapist to make a diagnosis and provide the best approaches to treatment. Common types of evaluation include personality tests, aptitude testing, the assessment of learning problems and intellectual disabilities, screenings for cognitive impairment, and the diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).